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Conecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice

Protecting Connecticut's Urban Environments 

Our History

In 1998, Dr. Mark Mitchell, a public health physician, and former Director of Health for the City of Hartford, founded the Hartford Environmental Justice Network. In 2014* the name was changed to Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice after concerns arose regarding regional landfill expansion and its possible links to high asthma, cancer and other disease rates in residents neighboring them. Since then, we have focused on reducing the disproportionate environmental hazards and related health problems borne by the state's low-income residents and people of color. What distinguishes CCEJ from other Connecticut organizations is that: 


1) Our mission is environmental Justice.


2) We provide. Grassroots organizing, leadership development and scientific training to low-income people and people of color in cities and towns throughout Connecticut an beyond. 


3) We convene community groups that traditionally have been separated by demographics, geography, or organizing interests to work together. 



Copyright © 2000-2015 by Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice.

All rights reserved.

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